Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our Camping Trip

We went on a camping trip over the fourth of July weekend. The campground was by Silverton, Colorado. We went to Silverton for the fireworks and we went four wheeling. We had a really good time. We desperately needed a vacation.

Kristoffer, Abbie, Easten & Connor loved taking rides on the four wheelers with an adult of course.

Jonathon was enjoying a little snooze!!!

Kristoffer & Ashley enjoying their cousin Abbie and some friends.

Maggie, Larry, Katelynn, Ashley and Maggie's father-in-law Rodney rode to the top of the mountain with us. Isn't this a beautiful view. It is so peaceful up there!! I loved it!!

Ashley & Katelynn at the top of the mountain.

Maggie and Audrie at 13,000 feet. It was beautiful!!


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

Wow, could you be any higher up? I love Silverton, too (even though it's been about a thousand years since I was there!

Email me and I'll invite you to our family blog (if you want, we don't have rabies you know)

Bond Fam said...

That is a really beautiful mountain! Im so jealous, I love camping!

Tiffany said...

We want to go do that so bad. It looks so nice there.