Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Home Evening

Kristoffer needed a little help but he was pretty proud of his pumpkin! He drew the big circles around his eyes to try and help me out.

All of the kids had a good time carving their pumpkins!

Ashley cutting out her pumpkin!

Katelynn was helping Connor carve his pumpkin!!


Tim and Shay Brusin said...

Pumpkin, and even more Pumpkins! Ashley and Conner were SOOO funny at the cousin Pumpkin party! Tim and I are still laughing about it! Conner kept saying "I did it!!!". Ashley and Jacob were working on a pumpkin and they were getting along so well, they were so cute! I am glad to see Ashley got to carve her OWN pumpkin this time tho!

Bond Fam said...

How fun I love pumpkin carving, although I didnt get to do it this year.

Nalene said...

Oh, my goodness, your kids are so cute!