Sunday, March 16, 2008

Poor Ashley!

Ashley had to have all of her eye teeth pulled on Friday. It was quite an ordeal. We tried to have them pulled a couple of months ago but she cried so much while they were numbing her teeth that the dentist said she would need to be sedated. So an oral surgeon (our former bishop) said he would do it. Just a little history: Ashley has had to have 11 baby teeth pulled. Her roots don't dissolve, so her grown up teeth end up growing in behind her baby teeth. So in trying to prevent very crooked teeth, we have been trying to pull baby teeth before the grown up teeth find their way out. So they sedated Ashley, numbed her gums and pulled out her teeth. She cried a little when they were numbing her teeth but she doesn't remember any of it. This picture was taken before we went to the oral surgeon.

Once the medication started working, Ashley was a little drowsy.

Ashley was still a little drugged in this picture. She had a mouth full of gauze and she walked like a drunk.

These are Ashley's teeth. The roots are twice as long as the teeth. These teeth were never coming out.

After it was all over, Ashley didn't even remember she had shots.


Maggie said...

Poor smashley. You can't see where her teeth are missing.

Bond Fam said...

Poor girl, that doesnt sound like fun at all!

Vanessa said...

Wowzers that is awful...poor girl!

melanie said...

WOW! Yuck... My sister in law Kristy's oldest child has the exact same problem except she is 16. So, she had her last baby teeth pulled last year and now she is in braces..