Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I really do love my kids but I love them even more when they are all in school! I now have all 4 kids in school. It is such a liberating feeling!!
Ashley is in 7th grade. This is her 1st year of Junior High!

Katelynn is in 9th grade! She is loving being in high school!

Connor is in kindergarten! His mom loves this!

...and Kristoffer is in 1st grade. He and Connors' classes are right next to each other. He loves his new teacher and school! His cousin Gentry is in there and she made him feel really welcome and showed him around!


Toni Tralala said...

I laughed when you said that you like it when your kids are in school! :))

It's so convenient that your kids' classrooms are next to each other. More R&R for mom!