Tuesday, May 25, 2010

CT results--

Well the results are in and I feel like I just got kicked in the stomach! The scan looked fine EXCEPT Kristoffer has some enlarged lymph nodes in his abdomen! The Doctor said the most likely cause for swollen lymph nodes is inflammation. If it is not inflammation then it could be more cancer! Someone please shoot me! We are seriously praying for inflammation. 3 days before his CT scan Kristoffer had the stomach flu which could be the cause of the swollen lymph nodes! The Doctor wants to give the lymph nodes some time for the "inflammation" to go down and then he will have another CT scan. Early August is when we are planning on that CT scan! Here comes that same sick feeling that came when the Doctor said "you should just enjoy the time you have with him." Seriously - I don't want him to have to go through chemo again. So for right now we are just going to wait and pray that they shrink before the next scan.


Mrs.Flack_21 said...

I really hope things go well with Kristopher. I really do. I hope it's not cancer. I hope things go well..=)

Vanessa said...

Oh Audrie my prayers are with you!!

Unknown said...

Goodness! I was so hoping the results would be most definitely clean and healthy. Here's hoping for inflammation. *fingers crossed* Sorry you have to wait for results all over again. :(

Today's Christian Mom~ said...

UG!!! I am so sorry you will have that on your mind this summer. I will pray for him. I CAN NOT BELIEVE A DOCTOR WOULD TELL YOU THAT!!! Well he proved him wrong didn't he?! And he will again.

Unknown said...

sorry that you are being tested again