Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can We Catch A Break Please!!!

It has been a long weekend. We had to celebrate the 24th of July and try to balance having Kristoffer in the hospital. His counts have started to come up which is great. We were hoping to bring him home today but then his port stopped working. Which means we couldn't give his IV nutrition to him. So now if his counts are high enough in the morning we are heading to Albuquerque and he will have to have his port replaced and a feeding tube put in. What the HECK? And to top it all off Kristoffer started having nausea again this morning and threw up twice. Where did that come from??? He hasn't even had chemo for 9 days!!! And he didn't throw up once. Can we please catch a break before I lose my mind? Sorry I just needed to vent for a moment to try and keep my sanity!! I think if I spend one more night in the hospital I am going to have an anxiety attack!! I can't imagine how Kristoffer feels!


Trisha said...

Audrie, I am so sorry babe : ( Your family definitely deserves a BREAK from all of this. Gosh, poor Kris my heart just breaks over this news. You vent away anytime my friend. Anytime!

Today's Christian Mom~ said...

I am so sorry yes vent!

Unknown said...

Hey, I would have had SEVERAL anxiety attacks a long time ago. Yuck! Just smelling the HVAC of hospitals gets me freaked. I am sorry that you have to go all the way to Abq. just for a port. It is definitely too much and hellish for all of you.