Friday, July 17, 2009

The Plan for Now

So we have decided that the time has come to put a feeding tube in Kristoffer's stomach. It will go directly into his stomach so that we can give him more nutrients. He just will not eat anything good and can't make the cells he needs to fight off the chemo without better nutrition. The IV nutrition is only a short term solution! He can still eat normally during the day and we can run in nutrients during the night. We were hoping not to have to do this but his appetite is not coming back and he is becoming malnourished. We did have to deal with a not so friendly GI doctor. He only does surgery on Wednesdays. Well Kristoffer's white blood cells will be on their way to the toilet on Wednesday. I tried to tell him that but his comment to me was "well that is the day I have open so that is when I will do it." Who in their right mind would do a procedure on anyone with no white blood cells. So I complained to the oncologist who agreed and we changed the date to the 29th when hopefully his white blood cells will be on their way back up! Some doctors just chap me. I feel like such a complainer, but they can be so unreasonable and careless.


Vanessa said...

You have every right to be a complainer!

gg said...

I would not call it complaining. You are just doing the very best you can for your son given the situation. Just because someone has a PHD does not mean they(Dr.'s) are the smartest people. Common sense rules....and a mothers intuition!!!!!!

Unknown said...

not a complainer, but an advocate. a mother. It is not so much a question of who is smart and who isn't but you are fighting for resources (chiefly, time and attention). All health care is limited, no matter where you live or whether or not you have insurance, white, brown, whatever. You do what you have to do, as a mother. You do not have to feel guilty for being an advocate.

Today's Christian Mom~ said...

Hang in there!