Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well we do finally have some white blood cells. 100 to be exact. 100 sounds better than nothing. Kristoffer is still receiving TPN which is good because he still doesn't want to eat. Unfortunately his red blood cells and platelets dropped but we are going to wait on a transfusion until we see what his labs are tomorrow. The doctor is hoping everything will start going up with the white blood cells. Kristoffer is O positive which is in short supply in this area, so if you are a match please donate!! If he doesn't need any more blood with this admission he will probably need blood with the next admission.

Kristoffer has 4 hard treatments left. They are supposed to be completed within a 12 week period starting this Monday. I really don't think he is going to be ready for a treatment since he is still so weak from the last treatment. I don't know how he is going to be strong enough for 4 more so we will talk to the doctor about what our options are!


Mel and Angus said...

I am so sorry Kristoffer is having such a hard time ( I am sure that he isn't the only one suffering.) We always pray for you guys and you are in our thoughts continually. Love You!

Jo Romero said...

Hey, so glad to hear his blood count is up! We will def. go give blood. we are o- and o+ so if you ever need some in a hurry you know your source! Keep smiling! Can't wait until it is all over! (for the most part)

Unknown said...

Good news, baby steps. BTW, the comment about Connie watching "her children" suffer is inclusive, you and K, too. This process is wretched. They practically have to kill him to save him. peace and love, J

Bond Fam said...

Poor little guy! I hope he recovers very fast, you are all in our prayer!

Courtney said...

Poor guy. I hope things progress well for all of you. You guys are in our prayers.

Jessica Cockrell-Finch said...

Hello, I am in the Farmington area and I am o+, are yo u in the Farmington area? I would love to donate blood, the only thing is I am nursing, so I will have to check on that!!!Please let me know and I will do my best to help.