Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well Kristoffer's white blood cells are still zero! It looks like he will need platelets again today. His red blood cells do look good though. He still will not eat so we are starting TPN today. TPN gives nutrients into the vein. It is of course not as good as real food but it will at least give him the nutrients he needs. It will be a lot less traumatic than a tube down his nose. As far as nurse nasty is concerned, I called in the director of the pediatric floor yesterday. I told her that this nurse was not allowed to take care of Kristoffer again. Her bedside manner was horrible and she said things like "white blood cell counts of zero can be deadly." You don't say stuff like that to a mother. Does she think I don't already worry about that? Why do you think he is here and what would you like me to do about it? Anyways, the director apologized and said she would take care of it. I hate being a tattle-tale but I don't want her in here again!!


Vanessa said...

Nice job! You handled that wonderfully!

Tim and Shay Brusin said...

Good job telling tho! She needs to be taken down a notch...or two! No crap, You're a nurse too, You get the situation! You don't need her crap on top of everything else! I Hope Kristoffer gets to feeling better really soon! Our prayers are with him!

Today's Christian Mom~ said...

UM yeah! Good for you for getting her out of there! Like you are not worried enough just being there!

Amber Jones said...

we've had bad nurses too. Brian had chemo right after Christmas and then ended up in the hospital with pneumonia right after that. He really was dying...i honestly didn't know if he would pull out of it. We had a nurse that was so incompentent...she was trying to give him meds that weren't for him and she was just rude...OOOOHHHH. I seriously complained. I don't see anything wrong with it. There are lives at stake and obviously, they don't care.

The Wethington's said...

tarren wants me to ask if he needs to donate blood. he is the type o thats used a lot. if he can help just have colleen get a hold of him.

Unknown said...

You have to do what you need to do to make it through this. Different people process things different ways, and she probably thought informing you was helpful, rather than ineffective, or adding to your burden. If her presence upsets you, and takes away your strength and focus, then you have to banish her. Maybe you will help her learn from this about how to relate to families.

You are definitely at "Heartbreak Hill". I hope he gains some strength.

Can you tell us what is left of his treatment?

BTW, my mom never finished all of her chemo cycles, and later, she found out that this is common. You know how tough she was. She, too, just ran out of blood cells.

My prayers for strength in all senses for you all today.

Courtney said...

I don't blame you for tattling. That nurse was really out of line. I think you handled it well.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you stood up for yourself and got rid of that lady. YOU'RE the one GIVING her a job. If she can't be thankful and do it well, she doesn't deserve it.