Monday, June 29, 2009

Feeding tube???

Well we are still in the hospital. This round of chemo has really kicked Kristoffer in the behind. He still won't hardly eat so we are talking about putting in a feeding tube to help him get some much needed nourishment. I have always been very happy with the nurses here but the nurse we had yesterday was mean. She acted like we were bad parents because Kristoffer wouldn't eat. She was the most confrontational negative nurse. Kristoffer still has a white blood cell count of zero. I am hoping his labs today will show some improvement!! I'll take anything above zero! He is just getting weaker from not eating and being in a hospital bed!


Today's Christian Mom~ said...

Oh Audrie~ I am sorry to hear about this poor thing! You should report the nurse so her supervisors know she needs to work on her bedside manners! She must not have kids...??? I hope he feels better soon.

Vanessa said...

You get right in her face Audrie! I mean it! That makes me mad! Poor Kristopher!

Nalene said...

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a nurse. There are so many good ones. Maybe she had a bad day...none the less, I wonder if you can request not to have her, if the chance ever comes up again. She has no clue about what great people she is insulting!

Unknown said...

I hope he can gain strength, and turn this corner. I guess you would not be a mom if someone did not criticize you, and be judge and jury. I am sorry that it is coming at this time, when you need your energy for better things. People who criticize like that have no idea how much it hurts, how much it wounds. I know that you and Jonathon are conscientious, and you care what people think, but you know what's up, and don't let them take your power.

Say hi to my sister for me. This must wear on her, too, as she tries so hard to be there for everyone, and has to watch her children suffer, too.

See you soon, Love, J

The Wethington's said...

I think you should give that nurse a piece of your mind. I hope he starts eating on his own, but if you decide to do a feeding tube it'll be for the best. We'll be praying for you guys. I hope his lab work comes back with great news.