Thursday, June 25, 2009

Darn fever

Kristoffer is starting to run a slight fever. He is still below 100 so we are just keeping an eye on him. It is stressful. I have to sleep in his room and set an alarm to go off every 2 hours to take his temperature. This stinks!!


The Wethington's said...

oh man every two hours is like having a newborn again! will they let you give him tylenol and motrin or do you have to wait and see if it goes down on its own?

Jo Romero said...

I think in you guys all the time! Every time my kids get sick I think in you and know I have no right to complain of the common cold or flu! I am so glad you are on the last leg of this thing! Wish I could help somehow! Let me know if I can! If your kids want a summer vacation in Utah they are welcome!