Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Going home!!

So here is the plan!! We are going to be going home on Wednesday! Today and Monday they have let Kristoffer come home for the day and then he has to come back at night for his IV nutrition. He is starting to eat much better but he still has episodes of nausea and some vomiting if we don't keep the Zofran in him. We will start doing the IV nutrition from home starting Wednesday night until Sunday night. We will be heading to UNM on Monday to start another week of chemo assuming his blood counts are high enough. The doctor also wants to do some tests to see why Kristoffer's belly is still having so much trouble. They are talking about reducing the dose of chemo by 25%. They do want to figure out his tummy troubles however before starting chemo. At least he will be able to be home for the rest of the week. Yeah!!! He is loving being home and so am I!


Today's Christian Mom~ said...

Nice! Good luck!

Bond Fam said...

Oh good, Im glad that he will be able to have a break at home for a while before you guys have to go to Albuquerque again!

Unknown said...

tummy troubles? can you elaborate? Is there something more than the usual chemo side effects?