Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A little nausea

Well Kristoffer vomited twice this morning. The drug he got yesterday is really hard on his tummy. Thank goodness he only gets it once during the week. He actually only has to get it one more time during treatment. He doesn't act like he doesn't feel good though. He is still up playing games and acts like he feels fine. So hopefully this round of nausea is already starting to pass! The CAT scan Kristoffer got in Farmington last week shows no changes. Which is good news because that shows that nothing new is growing and the chemo is working. I did find out that Kristoffer will have to be re-immunized about 6 months after chemo because the chemo wipes out all of his immunizations. Bummer. We will face that when we get to that point.


Vanessa said...

Hang in there girl! Love you!

Courtney said...

What an awesome little guy and what a wonderful Mom! Thank you for taking the time to update us on everything, we are praying for you and love you!