Thursday, May 14, 2009


I think this picture says it all. We are all so bored. Kristoffer can't stand for very long yet plus he has all of these tubes attached to him so Jonathon and I have to hold his basketball hoop while he shoots to try to keep him entertained. He really wants to go to the toy room but we have to lose a few tubes before we can start wandering around the hospital. He is supposed to lose the epidural and catheter today but if the bowels don't start working we might have a NG tube forever. I'm sure anyone who has ever had surgery understands what I mean.


Bond Fam said...

Aww man that doesn't sound fun, it sounds like he needs someone to come and entertain him.

Vanessa said...

Poor guy! Do they let you bring movies in or anything like that...they should!

The Wethington's said...

Well that stinks! I hope he gets to lose a few tubes soon so he can at least go to the play room. I can't even imagine having to keep Garrett in bed a full day he would go nuts! Poor kid. It'll all be over soon.

Unknown said...

I so glad to hear that he feels well enough to be bored. As for you, well, that's a drag.